20 Mar 2006 04:26:30
I'm back... but...
Yes, I'm back again. You probably realised that I don't come here really often. This is because I don't really play Lemmings much. Don't worry about that, I'm still a fan of it, but I've stopped making levels and I've passed most of the Lemmings games. However, I still continue creating new songs of the games in MIDI.

I say that because I want to try other games. I'm now almost a Level Designer in a video game company (Ubisoft) and I need to experiment some other games that are more recent. I also want to try to create my own levels of other games. This is why I've stopped. I think I did enough Lemmings levels and I hope you'll still appreciate playing them.

Anyway, I'll still come back sometimes, but there will be a day where I'll leave the forum definitely. It will depend of what I'll do and if I'll have time.
20 Mar 2006 04:32:01
Re: I'm back... but...
I haven't actually seen that many levels from you. O_O
20 Mar 2006 14:56:38
Re: I'm back... but...
Wow! Congrats for your job! I hope for you you can soon say I AM Leveldesigner at Ubisoft. Ah, and I shall tell you from a friend you guys shall make for Splintercell 4 better levels than for Splinter Cell 3. An air tunnel from the toilet to the kittchen is just ugly. ^^
20 Mar 2006 17:26:47
Re: I'm back... but...
Ubisoft are a good company. Aren't they French? (Are you French?)

Rayman 1 is still one of my favourite games.
20 Mar 2006 21:43:33
Re: I'm back... but...
Congrats on your job! :)

Glad that you still come here anyhoo, your sense of humor always bring a smile to my face! :)
25 Mar 2006 21:57:25
Re: I'm back... but...
If you still have an obsession with dragons, I'd suggest you read these books:

Nice work on your job! Now you can write an autobiography and include your humble beginnings making lemmings levels in a forum and become famous and start making games for microsoft and, and uh get hired by NASA or some other space program to entertain the people on Mars so they don't go insane from the cold and things and then um... You can go to Mars and something on your ship will malfunction asnd blow up and you'll save the world from the resulting nuclear melt-down... Or you can continue this job and do whatever you want with your life...

That's too bad that you won't be on here much anymore but if that's what you want to do, whatever.
26 Mar 2006 06:08:04
Re: I'm back... but...
Please remember to wash your hat regularly.
26 Mar 2006 16:48:17
Re: I'm back... but...
Rayman 1 is still one of my favourite games.

Rayman 2 - The Great Escape beats them all ;)
27 Mar 2006 10:05:17
Re: I'm back... but...
Oh yeah? STINKY HAT!
13 Apr 2006 05:07:59
Re: I'm back... but...
Thanks for all that! :)

Yeah, in fact, I've sended my Lemmings levels to Ubisoft for my Portfolio.

Ubisoft is multilingual. I meant, it is the second biggest video game company after EA. Ubisoft is all around the world, and the big center, the heart of the company, is at Montreal. For example: King Kong was made there. :P

Thanks Dumb_Lem for the suggestions of books, I'll look at them.

Oh, I've made a new remix of Lemmings HERE. Hope you'll like that.

See ya! :D