06 Oct 2005 13:58:55
Eyezmaze puzzles
Is some of you had tried these Eyezmaze puzzles?:

Eyezmaze GROW puzzle

I've completed the CUBE and the RPG puzzles. The goal of these puzzles is to put items listed around in the good order to solve the puzzle. Good luck!

(Requires Macromedia Flash Player 8)
06 Oct 2005 14:47:46
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Yeah, I've passed those two as well. Haven't beaten ver.3 yet, though.

They're pretty neat. They definitely require a bit of trial and error though.
06 Oct 2005 15:20:42
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Yep, this is the goal of the game! I often missed and restarted and I'm not the only one ;P
06 Oct 2005 15:25:11
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
No, I understand that is the point. :) Once you figure out what causes what, though, it becomes pretty easy to get the solution. Of course, you'll want to get it in the least amount of tries possible. (Just passed GROW ver.3 btw.)
06 Oct 2005 20:49:13
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
...what the?  That's crazy.  Is there any real way to figure out what you do will make happen?  I mean besides trial and error?
06 Oct 2005 21:27:58
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Is there a 'correct' order to do it in?

 I assume the dude is supposed to go down first.

 Still haven't figured out what the springs are for.
06 Oct 2005 23:26:05
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
You know when they make those windows in the side?  Maybe something's supposed to come out of them and bounch of the springs. Maybe the bone thing sprouts ribs and the springs land on those, kind of like how the ball lands in the tube when it's in the right level.
07 Oct 2005 04:14:25
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
It's a lot of trial and error, yes, and some of the pieces don't always make sense unless you've grown the whole cube/planet. The spring in the GROW cube is one of these.

Yeah, Conway, there's a correct order that will get you all MAX. But you'll know when you're close. Slight changes in order have small changes overall, generally. It might seem random at first, but there's very definite patterns that you'll see the more you tinker with it.
07 Oct 2005 23:30:54
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Finally solved it! It has a cute ending.
08 Oct 2005 02:01:02
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Now you have to try GROW RPG and GROW ver. 3 :)
I still think the cube is the best, but the others are fun as well, if you liked the cube.
Insane Steve
14 Oct 2005 03:33:39
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
It took me about a dozen tries to pass Grow RPG... although I think I lucked out a bit on Grow Cube and passed it completely in 7...

Grow v.3 makes no sense to me. Even yet.
25 Oct 2005 14:48:15
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
I don't see any logics in it :P

Has anyone tried Tontie v1 yet?
I got up to level 20 but I can't beat the boss of level 20 yet...
25 Oct 2005 18:47:18
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
I tried that; can't remember how far I got.
15 Jan 2006 11:29:28
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Is there any logics in the Grow puzzles?

I know certain things level up other things but sometimes things leveling up too fast get destroyed after a while (like creating a volcano in grow v3 instead of a mountain).
15 Jan 2006 18:50:09
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
If it happens, then you probably put some things too early. The goal of the game is to put items in the correct order. If you put something too early or too late, something wrong may happen. For example, GROW CUBE, if you start placing the ball, that's really TOO EARLY because the ball falls and roll out of the screen. You have to put something before that makes it not falling.

You must restart and restart again until you get the solution! Good luck! :P
19 Jan 2006 22:36:51
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
I know all the solutions for the grow puzzles but I had to search for them...

I want to know what the logic is behind this...for grow v3 you have 12 different pieces,hence you have 479,001,600 possibilities (12!).
20 Jan 2006 16:41:28
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Trial and error. Observation. It's usually pretty easy to pick out the things that level up a LOT (and therefore must be played early) and the ones that seem to do nothing (and are probably played at the end when there is more infrastructure for them). There's no way that you should be able to solve it on your first try, but it's not as though each ordering of pieces is unique in terms of how the system reacts...

Another tip: If something levels-up on its own and finishes leveling up before you're done playing all pieces, you probably played it too early (not always).
28 Jan 2006 19:00:17
Re: Eyezmaze puzzles
Earlier today I've noticed something very strange in Grow v3...

I made the tornado suck up the bubbles,and then an alien came out of the tornado and electrified the ladder...also the volcano I created formed a lava pond exactly with the same shape as the water pond which should emerge in the puzzle.

Due to electrification of the ladder the purple guy can't come down the ladder and merge with the robot and due to the bubbles being sucked up a volcano emerges instead of a normal mountain.

It isn't the right way to solve it,but it's quite fun to do :P

By the way,I've finished level 20 (which is the last level) of Tontie v1 but I can't get any further than level 10 on Tontie v0 (the earlier version).