26 Aug 2005 18:19:51
lunpack 0.1 available
lunpack is a simple decompressor for DAT files, which should run juuuuusttt fiiiine under Linux and other Unix/POSIX systems. It was ported from lemmingologist's code to C just for fun. And by fun I mean decompression code is a soul-destroying thing to try and debug.

(take heed, windows users should use Mindless' Windows jobbie instead, making the target audience for this one smaller than a leprechaun's testicle)

Download: here (1900 bytes)

$ tar xjf lunpack-0.1.tar.bz2
$ gcc -g -O2 lunpack.c -o lunpack
$ ./lunpack [compressedfile] [decompressprefix]

- GUIs are for schoolgirls! Simple yet intuitive CLI designed for true connoisseurs
- It runs under Unix!
- Source code! Everyone loves that.

- While gcc builds it fine under Linux, mingw32 under Windows doesn't. or rather it does, and it decompresses fine, just that it doesn't actually switch between output files, choosing instead to make the one file bigger and bigger and bigger. however there isn't a windows port of ddd so I couldn't give the problem a better probe (it might be the use of stat.st_size to figure out the filesize; the ming header deserves a full-page picture in the euphamism dictionary for "cobbled together".)
- There's always the chance I've ballsed something up. If you see any clumsy mistakes (and I'm sure there are a few) please let me know.

On an unrelated note, currently in the works is a simple tool for converting GROUND + VGAGR pairs into 8-bit indexed PNGs.

That's it!
27 Aug 2005 11:06:03
Re: lunpack 0.1 available
Thanks :D