Streetlight Admnistrator
24 Jan 2005 04:11:28
Lemmings Board with upload feature

That board, as well as containing specific sections for all of my level packs, has a LemEdit and a Cheapo section, both of which have upload capability, which I enabled specifically for level uploads(but other lemmings-related uploads are welcome). The maximum file size is quite large, 48.83 MB - I doubt any of you will need to make an upload that's that big. Edit: I found out how to change it. I set it to 100KB.

If you need somewhere to upload your levels, you can go there.

PS: Since you guys seem to have trouble getting Level 4 of UC7 to work, I uploaded it there as a .lvl file.
Streetlight Admnistrator
24 Jan 2005 04:17:44
Re: Lemmings Board with upload feature
Oops. Posted this in the wrong forum. Can someone please move it to Level Designing? (Or Lemmings General, if that's where it would be better off)
Streetlight Admnistrator
24 Jan 2005 04:48:44
Re: Lemmings Board with upload feature
Okay, the upload feature has gone totally gay, I can't seem to get it to work properly for most files. (It worked fine with the AUC level for some reason)

I've set the limit to 100KB (I found how to change it from the default 48.83MB. If a file under this size won't upload for some reason... um... I dunno. Blame the board for sucking.
27 Jan 2005 00:43:01
Re: Lemmings Board with upload feature
I found out what's wrong. The server doesn't allow uploads of more than 75KB unless extra storage space is purchased.

Well, that server is gay then. Does anyone know of a better one?