19 Dec 2004 13:19:54
Problems with generic style in Cheapo
I have absolutely no idea how to use this.
An overview of how to create levels in MS paint would be very much appreciated. (there is no readme document)
I have tons of ideas for MS paint levels but i can't put these ideas into practice.
Streetlight Admnistrator
09 Jan 2005 00:34:36
Re: Problems with generic style in Cheapo
Use Black(RGB 0,0,0) as the background. Then you can just copy/paste between Cheapo and MS Paint.

I would reccomend just using a normal style though. The only reason for the Generic.sty is because I was too lazy to add one music to every Lemmus style.
19 Jan 2005 14:12:41
Re: Problems with generic style in Cheapo
Hey thanks for that tip, i'll try it.

*tries the tip*

*sees it works and leaves the place one happier level editor*